donderdag 29 november 2012

Why do you sleep? ; Etches

Etches for a little booklet I'm gonna make: Why do you sleep?

donderdag 22 november 2012

Take a walk on the wild side ; enschede

 Walking a straight line through Enschede, starting in north (close to lonneker) and ending in south). Most i saw were horses, cows and grass fields. This is a small photo impression.

maandag 12 november 2012

zondag 11 november 2012

woensdag 7 november 2012

dinsdag 6 november 2012

Sleep ; sketches

Some orientating sketches from sleeping people.

vrijdag 2 november 2012

Airport Twente ; Animal Community

Little Booklet about my concept for the new destination plan of Airport Twente, Animal Community