vrijdag 29 maart 2013

Graphics ; Working area

Results of working in the graphics working place with the theme to react on the current situation at the AKI Enschede.
Left : Etching 20x30
Right: Linoprint 50x70

woensdag 27 maart 2013

Hand Movements

 Excercises with differences between camera and or object movements.

maandag 25 maart 2013

Typography Room

Sketching of how to illustrate a wall of your room with only typography. 

vrijdag 22 maart 2013

zaterdag 16 maart 2013

vrijdag 15 maart 2013


Design for a robot that eventually's going to be animated.

woensdag 13 maart 2013

Istanbull Biennale ; Mom?

First illustrations about a little booklet about the Istanbul Biennale with the theme: "Mom, am i barbarian?"

maandag 11 maart 2013

Portable working space ; research

Product Design : Portable Working Space.
No space left in the train, but you want to work on your laptop? 
No problem.

With the made-up invention "koleen" a fabric as thin as a hair, elastic under normal circumstances but hard when you send an electric signal trough it, I thought of the idea of a portable working space. The idea is that  the package has the size of your  phone, while in it's original state. When you connect your laptop to it (and send an electric signal trough the package) it will harden and become a little table. Which you can use when you're on the road, on the couch or at work. When you disconnect your laptop, it will return to its normal state.

zondag 10 maart 2013

zondag 3 maart 2013