dinsdag 21 mei 2013

Robotic | progress

Progress of my animation of a robot. The Robot lives in an old train station and collects old material from the abonded place...

zondag 19 mei 2013

Fold | Campaign

The next step with the FOLD project is creating a well functioning campaign. For promoting the product I thought of using NS (dutch trains) as a buzzer. The product will be provided inside the trains so travellers can try them out. For promotion I'm creating teasing posters and an infographic that we'll be shown inside the trains on the screens. 

maandag 13 mei 2013

vrijdag 10 mei 2013

Movement | Shine on

Experimental photography about suggesting movement in image. Here are the results of playing with lights and (boiling) water.

maandag 6 mei 2013

Cartier | Commercial second version

I'm filming a lot of material for Cartier and I'm trying to find the best way to give the video that luxurious feeling: here is another result of editing. I'll keep on filming and editing untill the result is excactly as it should be, which has to be finished in about 1,5 month.

Earlier Cartier Video

donderdag 2 mei 2013

Cartier | Insight magazine

In relation to the video commercial for Cartier that I'm busy with, im also working on a magazine that looks into the feeling and creative vision of cartier called: Insight.