woensdag 20 november 2013

Animation collector | progress III

For the first time in my life I bought new B pencils today because i really needed them, instead of a random purchase. 

zaterdag 16 november 2013

Kijk met mij | Kogerveld

Kijk met mij | Kogerveld from Mirjam Leppers on Vimeo.

Cinematographic portrait of the neighboorhood Kogerveld in Zaandam, using mostly close-up images. Exhibited at 15 nov.

vrijdag 15 november 2013

Art of nature

Cover design for a design compitition where focus was on bulbs and nature. Where I beleve that this is too illustrative for them, I still wanted to make it.

zaterdag 9 november 2013

Animation collector | progress II

Little update on my animation "collector" (working title), where here you can see the main character development and some stills of the animation in progress. From here on now it's about filling in the pieces of the puzzel and creating good sound design, where I started on this afternoon with a (more musical than me) friend.

vrijdag 8 november 2013

Animation routine | week I

Animating 5 seconds every week to improve after effects skills. This little gif is the result of playing with light in AE and cuting up the image below.

Good Design is long lasting

55 x 55 cm Foam board with chalkboard layer. Good design is written with chalk and long lasting with paint.

donderdag 7 november 2013

What's the communicative function of the illustration

 Little visual rendez-vous for my research about communication and illustration, which served as a red thread for my theoretical presentation.

zaterdag 2 november 2013