donderdag 20 februari 2014

We Cornish do it dreckly | first two weeks falmouth

It's been two weeks now since I've first arrived at Falmouth, Cornwall and it's been a wonderful experience upon this day, as it has so many things to offer on many surfaces. First of all the scenery around here is beautiful, inspiring and calming at the same time. People have been lovely (as that is one of the most words they use around here) and very polite. I had the luck of meeting someone on the first day who owns a car who can show me around a little bit, because really, if you want to see cool places around here, you need a car. Although that can be very scary, obviously because everyone drives on the left side here, and the roads are VERY uphill, so literally you enjoy a roller coaster moment when you do that. Actually everything's uphill here, so working out may be needed....

Last week my course started, which is very different from what I'm used to. Starting with that the class isn't a group of 20 people who all know each other, and 13 tutors who go along with that, no here it's 6 tutors on 102 students. In one year Graphic Design. So the individual attention is a little less here but what makes up for that is that there are a lot more general lectures. It seems as there's a strong focus on making you aware of your role as a designer here, providing me as a student topics as news-related design, eco friendly design, sustainable design and exploring your own self, on the border of almost spirtual work here. So, theoretically it's very inspiring and we're  encouraged to discuss, ask or talk about these subjects in different groups.

This semester there are two big assignments planned, one of them is a competition brief, redesigning a brand, which will be judged by an Design Agency in London and an self-initiated assignment, where you are encourages to choose a topic that really has your belief in it, what i mean is, that they expect it to be critical, of this time, maybe a political statement, a reaction on society etc.
Other things are weekly lectures, guest speakers, and attending to a designer Led, which means that you have a workshop with an design agency for a couple of days.

I really like the attitude of the people here, whereas i heard this quote many times here already: "We Cornish, do it dreckly", which is a bit similar to the spanish Mañana Mañana

dinsdag 11 februari 2014