woensdag 16 juli 2014

Don't shoot the messenger | presentation bords

Self inititated assignment, to deep into ethics of design and try to find a way to find my own thoughts on design and how to bring that knowledge to people. Intro on the book:

"I am a designer, a thinker, a creator but most of all just a normal human being. I have my doubts and securities, but most of all questions. Questions about who I want to be as a designer, what kind of part I want to play in the big industry of Visual Communication. Enjoying what you do, would be the first thing that comes to mind, but what does that say about my intentions? 

I do want to be aware of my position in the world as a designer after I graduate, to be conscious of what I am doing. For example I would love to play along with the big guys, hell, why not set up my own design agency. Doing fun projects, getting in contact with inspirational people and travel around. Nicely naive thoughts, but the other thought that comes after it, I don’t know for sure if I would want to work for big clients. 

In my home university we had an assignment to make a 30sec. commercial for a brand, Cartier was signed to me. I loved it, shooting beautiful imagery, creating a concept to show of the jewelry the best and having a lot of group sessions about it. But actually, I wouldn't like to promote those kind of luxury products as I don’t believe in them, I would never buy it, people pay to much for it. But is that just a bit of naive hippy belief of mine, enough to turn down a job?

Say I want to change the world, but I have no knowledge for that, or at least be an influence on the next generation of designers  or consumers. How do you do that without having a clear state of mind where you stand. I believe I am not the only one who doubts, or is looking for some answers of some sort. The misleading factor about answers is, that they’re quite relative."

The intention with this project was mainly to deep into ethics and inform myself way much more about ethics than i knew before. Without a steady plan for an outcome I started to dig into bigger issues and questions where philosophers as Aristotle and Heidegger, Nietzsche and Marx have been struggling with. I was hoping to find some answers, or at least find myself more secure about some questions I had, but the opposite happened. Diving into a subject like this, and also not in your first language, is quite hard and resulted in more questions (and curiosity) which still didn't give me a right way to go, as I wanted to develop an outcome for my project..