zaterdag 22 november 2014

Identity | Website

For my website research, I looked into many possibilities to give my work the platform it needs, considering different presentation forms. I want to present it 'big', not on one page, no titles as links. For now the design will work as a carousel. The next step will be choosing the define the selection of work that will be shown and make descriptions with them. As I'm not done yet with my personal logo, the pixel perfectness and the look and feel might change slightly.

Also the personal text is still a long version of the text I am working on.

Some defining research:

zaterdag 15 november 2014

vrijdag 14 november 2014

Identity | the big question

Classmates describing my work

"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others" Gandhi. A frequently used quote from a wise man, which I personally try to live up to.

Maybe more personally than work-wise, but still worth quoting. With the identity project this year: coming up with a personal logo, house-style, writing your role as a designer and finally creating an online portfolio, I tried to evenly work on these separate aspects. Whereas this obviously all has to match together to come across convincing and confident. The logo has to breath my vision, and instantly be 'recognizable' as 'me' and my work.

The process started with classmates describing you and your work. Where luckily, most words I got from different mates overlapped. From there on, an A3 poster was made with all the hook-up words and imagery found on the web that would match your personal  style and working-method. I tried to look for work that would match the touch and feel of my work, and matching colour pallet. Because my work is very cross-medial, i try to not focus on the medium itself. The poster will be a base for most of the matching identity solutions.

The 'my role as a designer'-text is still in progress, where i think I'm at version five now, I do realize I'm not as much a writer as an image-maker, quite hard to catch your essence into a few sentences.

With my personal logo, I'm still in the phase of looking around with different aspects, looking at different typefaces, shapes and forms. Mainly looking at how i want to shape my name into one block, staring from black and white, with little detours with colours. As i tend to work from colour, and not shape, so just for 'fun', some colour experiments.

All together, it's getting a little bit of shape and form. As I did had a little bit of trouble while thinking how I want to come across as a designer. Where do you focus on: your best skills? How do you want to come across? Is that medium wise, personal wise, skill wise? Loads of thinking and self-reflection this year, but at this point, the whole process is doing me good, and in a couple of weeks I believe I'll have a clear visual language for myself.
The last year is different in the way that: I'm quite used to production ongoing, project after project, dipping into new assignments. This year, I'm much more looking around, what inspires me, who inspires me and why...