dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Tinder | progress I

How weird would it be if Tinder worked in real life.
Some ideas and sketches.

zondag 29 maart 2015

Selfie girl | progress I

"Je stuurt je selfie pas de wereld in als je tevreden bent over je zelfportret. En als je te weinig likes krijgt, haal je het er gauw weer af." Volkskrant 28 maart.

In order to finally really get going with my project, I'm having some fun developing a little animation about the selfie girl. Doing some movement studies, sketches and developing a moving storyboard.

donderdag 26 maart 2015

Fight Club

People were boxing at the Loods in Enschede where I was around to shoot some pictures.

zaterdag 14 maart 2015

"I've read the news today, oh boy"

The last month has been a research phase, looking into different ways of translating a story into imagery, considering different media and different ways of approach. "I've read the news today, oh boy..."