zaterdag 25 april 2015

vrijdag 24 april 2015

Mcdonalds goes green | progress I

Mcdonalds goes green. Trouw had a little article about their new service with the headline: NEW: hamburger with service. Some quick animation ideas/sketches.

vrijdag 17 april 2015

Dissertation | manipulation in fotojournalism

The last months has been occupied with writing my dissertation about manipulation in photojournalism. The dissertations's done, woo! Next step is the visualisation. During my research I came across a documentary made by Ruben Salvadori which pretty much sums up alot of my written content, or at least it gives a nice impression of what i'm talking about. I figured it would be nice to share!

dinsdag 7 april 2015

Selfie girl | progress II

Work in Progress.