donderdag 24 april 2014

Falmouth | Last couple of weeks

A lot of stuff has been going on in the lovely city of Falmouth lately, to begin with the fact that apparently students here have four weeks off. Four entire weeks of holiday, so you can catch up with some schoolwork. Well, lets just say that four weeks is a very very long time to "catch" up.
Travelling it is then!

With some fellow Erasmus students here we set off to the amazing place Dartmoor, a huge international "park" which stretches out for 950 square km. Hiking through it for 5 hours by foot and horse gave us enough glimpses of the beautiful nature that Cornwall/Devon has to offer. Bristol and Bath, Salisbury Bournemouth and Plymouth, all cities we went to during those four weeks.  God, England is beautiful.

The exchange experience has already been so wonderful and brought me so many things on other levels like learning proper English, learning cultural things about the place from the locals (learning bloody Cornish dancing!), even a little bit of the dialect Cornish. And how damn proud this little Celtic nation is and that doesn't only include football. How laid back but still proud, tacking everything 'dreckly' still.

Taking care of a lot of stuff on your own here, as taking initiative is very important if you're travelling around ad that's been going great!

Uni has started again and there are some nice little projects going on, which i will post about very soon, from redesigning a brand, writing an essay about the digitization of news, promotional work for the course, a 45 symbol project that had a very positive ending for me, designing an app (luckily i could change the subject, because the first assignment was to design a weather app, sounds familiar?) and  a self initiated assignment that will go about limits and boundaries in ethical design.

I haven't been posting for a while, but there's going to be some projects up very soon!

Now, a cup of tea and back to work!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hahaha I KNOW, that might be the biggest change, i hardly drink coffee here anymore. Cause its just not.. good.
