dinsdag 6 mei 2014

Montagne Jeunesse | Reincarnation

The project of reincarnating the brand Montagne Jeunesse has had some steps forward. One thing, i might even get over my fear for illustrator here in Falmouth. 

Montagne Jeunesse is a brand that's mostly popular with younger girls, cheap brand, and known for their lovely tacky packaging. As redesigning i had to keep those properties in mind, trying to find a balance in well done design, but not too fancy expensive looking. For starters I started on the logo first, and tried to make it more soft by making it handwritten and "curvy", starting by sketching some ideas, putting it in to Photoshop and later on editing in illustrator (oyeah). I know im never going to be a professional font maker, but i thought for a single logo, i'll give it a go. 
Second thing was the packaging, i wanted to keep the "peel-off feeling" into the packaging, so in the end i got to the decision that the face would have the structure of the gel itself, or not having it, but really showing it. So leaving the face as a gap, which would show a little sachet underneath. 

The project is nearly finished, some proces is shown here above, now it needs a final look at some details, readability and proper mockups.

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